2019 saw a massive push in new products for Jizni.
2019 saw a massive push in new products for Jizni.
Everybody thinks the reward for improvement is medals, but that’s just half the story. Perfecting the boring stuff during practice can lead to some brilliant fun during competitions.
Video game designers live by the credo of "easy to learn but difficult to master." In the real world, the first step is often so difficult that we lose potential participants after the first outing. Carbine conversions allow new shooters a better first experience of practical shooting sports.
If your dot is not perfectly round, the problem is probably not with the optic. Sorry.
More rounds equal more fun on the range or more time in the fight on the streets. Until something goes wrong. Choose wisely.
Do I really need as many magazines?
We are noticing a strong push by manufacturers to develop accessories for the P-10 series.
We rarely take the time to consider something happening to us or our loved ones. Are we prepared or capable to address a life threatening wound?
2018 saw a great leave forward in customer service.
Quick tutorial on how to clean and maintain your firearm after a range session.
From humble beginnings to a significant market player.