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Selected service items for Shadow 2.
The Shadow 2 shares some parts with the SP-01, but not all.
Standard firing pin spring for all CZ 75 and Shadow models.
Standard rating recoil spring for full size CZ 75 and Shadow
Standard rating hammer (main) spring for CZ 75 models
Magazine release spring for all 75 series pistols
Detent spring used in various roles on the 75 series, Shadow and P-series pistols.
Trigger bar spring for all 75 series pistols
Firing pin for models without firing pin blocks: Shadow, Shadow 2, Pre B
Original CZ slide stop for 75D Compact, P-01 and Shadow 2.
Stainless steel overtravel screw for Shadow trigger.
Standard extractor spring for all 75 Series models
+10% extra power magazine spring for 17 / 19 round Mec Gar magazines for SP-01 Shadow and Shadow 2
Magazine catch button screw for adjustable magazine catch on Shadow 2.