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Note that the standard rear sight on the P-01 Omega is 0.2mm lower than
on a full size 75B. (This will be indicated by a #4 underneath the sight, while
the 75B will have a #5.) If the standard rear sight is retained, a standard
(5.5mm) front sight will keep everything constant. If the rear sight is replaced
though, the pistol will require one si...
Note that the standard rear sight on the P-01 Omega is 0.2mm lower than
on a full size 75B. (This will be indicated by a #4 underneath the sight, while
the 75B will have a #5.) If the standard rear sight is retained, a standard
(5.5mm) front sight will keep everything constant. If the rear sight is replaced
though, the pistol will require one size (0.25mm) higher front sight than
recommended for a 75B in the sight description.
Tritium front sight. Tritium carry profile rear sight.
Jizni Performance plain black front sight for CZ Shadow and 75 series.
Jizni Performance Fiber optic front sight. Standard width (3.0mm) steel 1.5mm fiber
Jizni Performance Fiber optic front sight. Standard width (3.0mm) steel 1mm fiber
Jizni Performance Fiber optic front sight. Narrow (2.7mm) steel 1mm fiber
Jizni Performance Fiber optic front sight. Wide (3.3mm) steel 1.5mm fiber
Jizni Performance Fiber optic front sight. Wide (3.3mm) steel 1mm fiber
Meprolight Tru-Dot night sights for CZ75 P-01, CZ75 Compact and SP-01 models (not Shadow).
High visibility day / night sight set from Meprolight.
Low profile carry sight set. Fiber optic front sight, black rear.
Fiber optic sight set for P-01
Adjustable sight set for CZ75B, Compact and P-01.
Adjustable sight set for CZ75B, Compact and P-01.
Adjustable sight set for CZ75B, Compact and P-01.