Is it okay to use my every day carry magazines on the range, or should I have dedicated range magazines?
I have spent some time reading different articles about the topic and all of them conclude that you should at least have alternative magazines to use on the range. Your self-defence magazines should be kept just for that purpose.
Range magazines get loaded and unloaded frequently. This contraction and expansion of the spring is what causes the springs to lose tension. Then you have the factor of dirt and other debris that gets inside of them as you drop them on the ground when you do a reload. Another problem with metal magazines is the metal bases run the risk of denting or bending, and that can cause the possibility of a malfunction.
But what about carry magazines that stay loaded for extended periods? While it is known that springs wear only when used, there is enough anecdotal evidence of carry mags failing to cause some doubt. Some research showed that there is a different mechanism at play here. While the spring doesn’t wear out from constant pressure, it does “settle” – getting slightly shorter. Removing the tension allows the spring to “relax” over time. For this reason it is recommended to cycle your carry magazines (or at least the magazine springs) regularly.