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    Technical discussions about gear, standard and performance parts.

    • Glock 43X and Glock 48 Review
      Glock 43X and Glock 48 Review
      3782 Views Liked

      Guest writer Nigel Hulleman is one of the founding members and a contributor to Sport Shooter Magazine. In part one of our three part series on the Slimline Glocks, Nigel compared the Glock 43X and Glock 48, and the result was not what he expected.

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    • Glock 43X and 48 Improvements
      Glock 43X and 48 Improvements
      4343 Views Liked

      Glock pistols tend to be conservative in design, and the Slimline series is no exception. But the aftermarket offers an unbelievable range of options. Guest writer Nigel Hulleman is one of the founding members and a contributor to Sport Shooter Magazine.

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    • Trijicon MRO Impressions
      Trijicon MRO Impressions
      1865 Views Liked

      The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but sometimes the list of ingredients is worth looking at too. I took a closer look at what Trijicon did with their MRO to get a better feel for why they did it.

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    • Glock Performance Trigger Review
      Glock Performance Trigger Review
      2041 Views Liked

      Garrett Evans is a South African IPSC champion, Glock representative and owner of DVC. He shares his exploration of the new Glock Performance Trigger with us.

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    • Ghost Hybrid Rig Review
      Ghost Hybrid Rig Review
      1343 Views Liked

      Part of your competition shooting journey is trying out different setups to see what works, and what does not work for you. Waldo tried the Ghost Hybrid Holster and Hybrid Magazine Pouch and found it a combination to start off your competition journey.

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    • Trijicon RMR HD (not so) Range Review
      Trijicon RMR HD (not so) Range Review
      1465 Views Liked

      According to Trijicon, their new RMR HD was specifically designed for Law Enforcement and Military. Apart from some obvious benefits like new reticle options, it includes a forward-facing light sensor. This really struck a chord with me, so rather than taking one to the range, we mounted it on a blue gun and tested it in some real-world environments.

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    • DAA Max First Impressions
      DAA Max First Impressions
      1316 Views Liked

      Sooner or later somebody had to figure out that one can combine the retention mechanism of a “space-gun” race holster with a full body for a more conventional, yet still super smooth, closed-body holster

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    Showing 13 to 19 of 19 (2 Pages)