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Enhanced Glock Performance Trigger.
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The trigger system is an enhancement to the standard Glock Performance Trigger.
This single-action trigger system is primarily designed for competitive shooting applications. Break weight ranges from 3.3lb - 3.5lb, reduced from 3.8lb – 4.2lb. There is excessive Pre-Travel and Over-Travel in the standard system. The Delta Glock Performance Trigger eliminates all inefficiencies in the system. Pre-Travel is adjustable and is set to a minimum safe distance. Over-Travel is adjustable and is set to have the shortest possible Reset.
All components have been mirror finish polished, allowing for an ultra-smooth action. The connector has been replaced to reduce the break weight.
Pre-Travel: Reduced to a minimum safe distance
Over-Travel: Zero
Reset: Short, Fast & Tactile
Wall Feel: Solid
Break Feel: Crisp
Break Weight: 3.3lb – 3.5lb
The trigger bar is deburred and polished to provide a smooth, drag-free movement over polymer and metal parts. The trigger housing has several proprietary enhancements to eliminate Over-Travel, and tune Reset. The trigger shoe is modified to adjust Pre-Travel. The connector is refined and polished for a crisp action. The firing pin safety plunger is polished for smoother disengagement action. Springs kits are not required for a Delta Glock Performance Trigger.
Check out our YouTube channel for installation tutorials and tutorials on how to adjust Pre-Travel and Over-Travel.
For best overall performance, use with a Delta Striker Assembly. The break feel will increase by approximately 50% and in most cases the break weight reduces by 0.3lb.